Sunday, December 26, 2010

Over 350 food bags where given out this pass week. Everything started Tuesday in Riveras and ended friday in El Porvenir. Every church had a special service to give that bags out, people hear the word of God and there was also a time to worship God. Even thought this year we did not have a group to pass out the food bag, everyone in the different churches helped out. We had a very smooth time, to God be the glory. Here are a few picture of the different churches. Thank you for your prayers. Now time to rest...for a bit!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Riveras X-Mas Dinner

On Sunday the 19 Riveras had there X-Mas Dinner. There were over 100 people there (only members). Everything started at 3:30pm where kids from the church were able to break a pinata. We had a music group(members from the church) play during the afternoon. God was so good because we were short on food but everyone(except myself :( were able to eat. But you know the coke could not be left out, there was even bottle left over. At this time we gave out 48 food bags to only the members of the church as well as every child there received there x-mas gift. We had a few games and most of all we had a great time. Here are a few pictures, Enjoy! Will keep on posted more during the week.

The Bags look beautiful!! WAY TO GO ANNETTE!

Breaking the pinata!

Let the food began!

Yummy cupcakes, That I did eat!

These two men helped out so well, we were not going to have servers. They did a good job. Thanks Eric(Eddie) and Ivan!

Music group "Fuego Divino" playing Mexican style. Everyone was moving their head.

Christmas was in the air. Grecia (baby girl in hat) is a miracle baby, God has healed her. Her parents were told she had a skin condition and was told that she would not grow. God proved them wrong. She had NO skin condition and is growing! She is a year and a half.

The girl and the man in the picture are saying a joke so they could win a prize. Me personally thought the girl deserved it but not everyone thought talking about bow movement was right when they had finish eating. Am still laughing, maybe because I didn't eat!

Handing out the food bags.

This is our special girl in Riveras. Her name is Anita and is mentally challenge. She is 26 dyrs old and was so excited to receive a baby for a present.

These people where each given 100 pesos (15 dlls) gift certficate so they could by extra food at the local store. They are people that have helped out all year long at church and it was time that the help went to them. A total of 25 people received them.


These are the two families in The Valley of Juarez that thanks to the Acorn Club in NMC they will for sure have a great Christmas season. These two families are:

The Ruiz Family, members of the church in Riveras. Each member of the Ruiz Family except for youth girl is in the worship team at the church. Brother Rodolfo(dad) is the one that works. He works as the person that goes to your house and charges you if you owe money at a store.

The next family is The Family of our Sister Maria. Maria and her family go to church in El Millon. As many of you will see in the picture, Maria is Estella's mom. Maria with her children do not miss a single service of church, and thank God her husband allows her to go. Leon(dad) is the only one in the family that works and Maria has been recently dismissed from her job at the factory plant. This family is The Reyes Martinez Family.

Again we want to say a big big thank you to everyone of the kids in the Acorn Club that allow these two families to have a great Christmas season. The Reyes-Martinez and Ruiz are praying for each one of you, so that you too could have a merry christmas! You guys are great,way to go!

Monday, December 20, 2010

El Millon X-Mas Dinner

This pass Saturday the church in El Millon had there Christmas dinner. Everything started at 4am when Sister Juanita and her husband Carlos join my mom at the dorms to start making the tamales. By 6 am sisters started rolling in to start the wrapping of the tamales. OMG they were delicious! The dinner started at 4pm and every church member was there and also brought there families. 32 food bags where given out to only the church members at this time and also every child got there Christmas present. We had a great time enjoying each other, talking, talking and talking. And you know we could talk. Also on Saturday 12 people received a gift certificate of 100 pesos (15 dlls) that they could use at the local food store to buy additional food. These 12 people were chosen because they are people that are in need, and even thought we know most of the people at church at in need but these need it a bit more. Enjoy some of the picture of Saturdays X-Mas Dinner!

Up at 4am to start making the tamales- which by the way were GREAT!

My Momma after having her coffee at 4am. She is having to much fun

Some of the sister that came at 6am to start the wrapping of the tamales


these 6 thought that my mom had to speak with them about something that they had done wrong.

There faces change as soon as my mom started handing out $100 pesos (15dlls) gift certificate for a food store. Love this picture, look at the older man (Don Chuy) how he looks at it. He couldn't believe it.

6 other sister that were blessed with a $15 (100 pesos) gift certificate. All Smiles!

Kids with there presents: They were all so happy! They loved them!

Know you recognize these kids: The cooks, Sister terry's kids. Alondra, Lalo , Alexa and new addition Benjamin Jr.

Giving out food bags and wishing them a Merry X-Mas!

Giving Terry's husband, Benjamin there food bag.