Monday, November 9, 2009

Hello again everyone! its been some time, I know, I know. Forgive me, but here we are again. On Oct. 31 we had all 7 churches united in one place, this month it was Riveras to host. There was a little more then 100 people there under one roof, we one purpose, to praise God!! We had a great time, the sun was out and HOT!!!The day started at 10:30 we a talent show. There were 21 people that participated, from singing, poems, bible versus, dramas etc.. By the time the talent show was over we were all ready to eat,and boy was the food great!! YUMMY!!! We had pot luck and everyone had a full belly. Next was a contest. The youth from all 7 churches were to learn the book of 1st Timonthy(sorry, so use to Spanish that I don't know if its spelled correctly) And it brings great pleasure to let you know that the youth from EL Millon won the contest!!! YESSSS!!! Poor guys, I had them studying till the very last minute, it paid off. At 3:30 we had our united service and it was a great joy to be all together praising God. All in All it was a great day but the end of the day we all just wanted to go to bed and rest. We are so please to be able to get together, we do this every 5th Saturday of the month. Next time in January, El Millon is hosting. Well as you show there are some pictures that were taken from the day. Hope you enjoyed them, and I promise I will come on again very soon. Ok not so soon, but I wont take as long as I did this time. Till Next time, God Bless!!